allDirections | EnumerationLiteral
| 0 | All directions (where more than two are applicable) at this point on the road network. |
bothWays | EnumerationLiteral
| 1 | Both directions that are applicable at this point on the road network. |
clockwise | EnumerationLiteral
| 2 | Clockwise. |
anticlockwise | EnumerationLiteral
| 3 | Anti-clockwise. |
innerRing | EnumerationLiteral
| 4 | Inner ring direction. |
outerRing | EnumerationLiteral
| 5 | Outer ring direction. |
northBound | EnumerationLiteral
| 6 | North bound general direction. |
northEastBound | EnumerationLiteral
| 7 | North east bound general direction. |
eastBound | EnumerationLiteral
| 8 | East bound general direction. |
southEastBound | EnumerationLiteral
| 9 | South east bound general direction. |
southBound | EnumerationLiteral
| 10 | South bound general direction. |
southWestBound | EnumerationLiteral
| 11 | South west bound general direction. |
westBound | EnumerationLiteral
| 12 | West bound general direction. |
northWestBound | EnumerationLiteral
| 13 | North west bound general direction. |
inboundTowardsTown | EnumerationLiteral
| 14 | Heading towards town centre direction of travel. |
outboundFromTown | EnumerationLiteral
| 15 | Heading out of or away from the town centre direction of travel. |
unknown | EnumerationLiteral
| 16 | Direction is unknown. |
opposite | EnumerationLiteral
| 17 | Opposite direction to the normal direction of flow at this point on the road network. |
other | EnumerationLiteral
| 18 | Other than as defined in this enumeration. |